Realised projects
Recharge without reverberation during a break at Heraeus Electro-Nite

Taking a break during a working day is a time to recharge your batteries to continue for the rest of the working day. However, pausing in peace is a more difficult task when a break room is full of reverberation and sound reflections.

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At Heraeus Electro-Nite, there was a lot of reverberation and noise in the coffee room. A coffee machine and people talking often create a nuisance in a room with poorer acoustics. So we installed acoustic ceiling islands to absorb the disturbing noise and stop reverberating. As a result, employees can now take their breaks in peace and return to work with a recharged battery!

✔ Selecta Loop ceiling island

Ceiling islands are not only perfect solutions for improving room acoustics but also pleasing the eye. With Selecta Loop, you also add value to the room's interior.

Delivery: 2022
Location: Houthalen-Helchteren
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